serving others to serve him
The Harvest
In John 4:35, Jesus refers to a “ripe” season or God-given opportunity to reach people in Samaria and see their lives transformed by faith as a “Harvest.” He was teaching his followers about engaging in mission by spreading the gospel so that individuals might come to trust in Him.
We believe that the Lord’s Words in John 4:35 are an apt description of where we are as a church. As our church and the Greater Triangle area are rapidly growing, we have a God-given opportunity to reach more individuals with the gospel, help them to grow in Christ, and empower them to serve the Church and world. “The Harvest is Now” (John 4:35). This is why we are embarking upon this important journey, which is certainly a defining step in the life of our church. The vision we are faithfully pursuing right now will leave a legacy for generations to come!
We are making room for more people to experience the power of living faithfully and fully by growing in relationship with God, strengthening relationships with others, and bringing life to our world through service. We believe that as we are obedient, souls will be saved, lives will be transformed, and our community and world will experience God’s love and life in even greater ways.” THE HARVEST IS NOW!
Financially, we have a goal to raise $2,100,000 in three years to fund the vision! Learn more
We invite you to learn more about Baptist Grove Church.
John 4:35
Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.
Our Impact
years of worship
average service attendance
average weekly live stream viewers
baptisms since 2013
new members since 2013
The challenges we face as we grow
Shortage of parking causes visitors to park in grass and some to leave
The MUF Sanctuary is reaching capacity which threatens to stunt future growth
No “Third Space” for members to gather after the service or midweek
Minimal classroom space
Discovery Kids are rapidly outgrowing their space
Youth Immersion does not have its own space
Limited space for outreach initiatives
Inadequate office space restricts our ability to minister effectively
you can make a difference
Your donation is a commitment to our future
Your generosity will help Baptist Grove Church meet the needs of a growing congregation and community.

Stories from the Spiritual Journey
We are uniting, committing, and sacrificing to see this vision become a reality. Just as God works for us in powerful ways, we are believing that God will do a great work through us and in us. This is a Spiritual Journey! Along the way, we will be sharing inspirational stories from individuals that are joining us for the journey! Be inspired and encouraged as you see and hear what God is doing!
Join Us For The Journey, make a financial commitment today!